I recently reinstalled VirualBox and got a Ubuntu machine installed on it, but I'm having some problems sharing folders. Virtualbox provides shared folder functionality which can be accessed by mounting the shared folder using a certain filesystem. I have a folder called 'Shared' which I want to mount to /shared, and this is all well and good. However, the folder has to be remounted on reboot.
I read that you can use permanent mounts by editing the /etc/fstab file, which I tried, but it didn't work. I'm not at the machine right now and I can't remember the exact modification I made.
Basically, my question is: What do I need to add to /etc/fstab to perform the same operation as mount -t vboxsf Shared /shared?
Depends. There are lots of ways to do it. I think there is a drive manager in Ubuntu that can do it for you, or you could throw it in your autostart(KDEs is ~/.kde/autostart/ I believe). Just create a .sh file with that command in there, and make it executable.

If you have KDE, you can put smb:// in the address bar and access files, but a lot of programs don't like smb:// address.