Solved with Freeware:

Freeware is delicious

Please see that image.

The "Linux PC" is my Debian box I want to be able to use no-ip software on.

I do not have a router.

I do not have a hardware firewall.

I do not have any configurable network hardware.

I have a dynamic IP.

I use PPPoE ADSL established by my "Good PC" (See pic.) and shared via XP's Internet connection sharing to the rest of the network.

My friend accomplished this with a router and port forwarding he says, but I do not have a router. Please help.

Tried something like this, didn't work: 181339;bd105dc7c26c9fbad8be83372f13319d/icsconfigXP.jpg

(Not my screenshot)

Get a router. ICS sucks. =P

Other than that, I can't help you; ICS never worked reliably for me, so I didn't play around with it much before ditching it and getting a router.
In response to Crispy
Oy! :( index.php?showtopic=108651&view=getnewpost


That explains my problem a bit better I think.

Any of that information help?
