mob/verb/ID_Ban(mob/M as mob in world)

Problem description: M.computer_id: undefined var

Mobs don't have computer IDs, clients do though.
In response to Stephen001
oh tnx.

mob/verb/ID_Ban(client/M as mob in world)

That will work? o.O

Edit: I'm using MySQL, php and DM. How i do the code checks for the comp id.
In response to Gohan Games
Not really I think. One issue I can see is that mob in world will give you all mobs, players and other NPC mobs too. Either you want to check that M.client isn't null (NPCs and other mobs won't have a key associated with them) in the verb and act accordingly, or change the verb to get client/M as client in [some list of clients], but not world I think.
In response to Gohan Games
Gohan Games wrote:
Edit: I'm using MySQL, php and DM. How i do the code checks for the comp id.

As long as you have loaded the list of banned ids into your IDBanList list, you would check in client new like so:
if(computer_id in IDBanList)
src << "You have been banned"
In response to Pirion
Pirion wrote:
(...)you would check in client new

No, you wouldn't. world.IsBanned() is likely the better alternative, since that saves resource download and handling clients that you don't even want.