set name = "View Updates"
set category = "Commands"
var/html = {"
<body bgcolor=cyan><center><table bgcolor=black border>
<tr><td colspan=100%><font color = white><center><b>Subscriber List</td></tr>
<tr><td><font color = white>Key<th></th></td></tr>"}

for(var/V in SubList)
html+="<tr><td><font color = white>[V]<th></th></td></tr>"

src << browse(html,"size=400x360,window=Updates,title=Updates")

Well, I Did a Sub List based on CheckPassport =D And it Works Perfect, but now i want add a Count. Like the Code Counts All Players in That Lists.
Search length() or len.
In response to National Guardsmen
Length() Isnt Its for File Size?
In response to Gohan Games
It can be yes, but it also can find the length of list.

Press F1 in dreammaker and search length

The length of the data associated with E.
E: a text, list, or file
for(var/mob/M in SubList) subscribers ++
usr<<"There are [subscribers] subscribers!"

Heres a very small example. The easiest way to do it is to just run a loop through the SubList to add onto a subscribers var, then just display it.
In response to KaiokenX
KaiokenX wrote:
The easiest way to do it is to just run a loop through the SubList to add onto a subscribers var, then just display it.

How is that in any sort or form easier than a simple:
Target << "There are [SubList.len] subscribers!"
In response to Schnitzelnagler
Agh, my apologies. I completely forgot about lens for a second. Thanks for the correction, Schnitzelnagler.
Truing to add subscribers to your DBZ fangame again?