I just brought the new Kirby game for the DS on my way to work. I wanted the new Wario but it's not out here. For a game that I brought on a whim this is pretty sweet. By the look of it there is going to be a lot of levels and a lot of collecting, so it should do me well on those boring train rides home.
It's my first Kirby game so I can't tell you exactly what's going on, but it would seem that someone ate Kirby's lunch so he (it?) has gone postal. He's started killing everything in his path and he's not going to stop until either someone takes him down or he finds his lunch.
Kirby: yaez caek.
Dorocche: my caek k? k.
Kirby: omg y u steel caek?
Dorocche: caek gud.
Kirby: k.

That's pretty much the story for you.

Oh, and I refuse to call Dorocche by his American name.
Its weird, but if gave me something to do until I beat the game 100%. (As I have done for them all except Canvas Curse, which I have yet to play.) The Item/Ability storage was a great thing to have. Although, I could've used more than 5 slots most of the time.
Kirby Hitashi wrote:
Although, I could've used more than 5 slots most of the time.

Yeah, but I think even with ten slots I'd still have them full all the time. I can't stand throwing items away but at the same time I gather them at a much faster rate than I use them.