BYOND Version:515.1630
Operating System:Windows 11 Home 64-bit
Web Browser:Chrome
Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
Setting a MouseMove macro seems to be failing to send a proper reference when mousing over screen objects.

Macro: MouseUpdate [[src]] [[src.loc]] [[]] [[icon.x]] [[icon.y]] [[vis.x]] [[vis.y]] [[screen.x]] [[screen.y]] [[link]]

Sorry, the following is not valid: [0x2000002]
usage: MouseUpdate anything anything ["text"] number number number number number number number


MouseUpdate(atom/object as anything, atom/location as anything, control as text|null, icon_x as num, icon_y as num, vis_x as num, vis_y as num, screen_x as num, screen_y as num, link as num)
If I define the object and location args as "as null|atom in usr.client" I don't have any issues with screen objects. I think this is just a problem with the reference, which I'll document.