javascript: links in the browser were breaking subsequent topic links when those links began with ? instead of byond://? like they should. IMPORTANT NOTE: The workaround letting users get away with starting URLs with ? as a shortcut for byond://? in the browser will be going away in BYOND 516, except for legacy projects. Update your HTML accordingly.
BYOND Version:515
Operating System:Windows 11 Pro 64-bit
Web Browser:Chrome
Applies to:Dream Seeker
Status: Resolved (515.1640)

This issue has been resolved.
Descriptive Problem Summary:

When using
in a link to call a JS function, clicking the link runs the js code but then causes Topic to cease functioning for that object. However, using
onclick="functionName(); return false;"
The js function works correctly without causing any issues for Topic.

Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
  1. Click the problem link that calls the JS function
  2. Observe that Topic no longer functions for that object

Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:
show_map = 0

var/html= {"
<title>Test JS Function</title>
function testFunction() {
alert('JavaScript function called successfully!');
<h2>Call Test JavaScript Function</h2>
<!-- Link using href with javascript: -->
<a href="javascript:testFunction();">I break Topic! (in 515.1638 and newer)</a><br>
<!-- Link using onclick attribute -->
<a href="#" onclick="testFunction(); return false;">I don't break Topic!</a>
<h2>Call Topic</h2>
<a href='?src=\ref
[src];action=test_case'>Topic Call Test</a>

usr << browse(html, "window=test_case")

/client/Topic(href, href_list)
if ("test_case")
alert(usr, "Topic is working")

Expected Results:

Clicking a link generates Topic calls

Actual Results:

Clicking a link using the
syntax breaks all Topic() calls for the owning client or datum indefinitely.

Does the problem occur:
  • Every time? Or how often? Every time.
  • In other games? Yes.
  • In other user accounts? Yes.
  • On other computers? Yes.

When does the problem NOT occur?

The problem does not occur when using the
onclick='function(); return false'
attribute instead of

Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked? (Visit to download old versions for testing.)
The last working version was 515.1637.

  • Use the
    attribute for calling JavaScript functions instead of

  • Have players downgrade to 515.1637
Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
javascript: links in the browser were breaking subsequent topic links when those links began with ? instead of byond://? like they should. IMPORTANT NOTE: The workaround letting users get away with starting URLs with ? as a shortcut for byond://? in the browser will be going away in BYODN 516, except for legacy projects. Update your HTML accordingly.
Spevacus resolved issue with message:
javascript: links in the browser were breaking subsequent topic links when those links began with ? instead of byond://? like they should. IMPORTANT NOTE: The workaround letting users get away with starting URLs with ? as a shortcut for byond://? in the browser will be going away in BYOND 516, except for legacy projects. Update your HTML accordingly.

Lummox and Spev maintaining the bug tracker