(See the best response by Lummox JR.)
I can't load the game in byond I'm from Russia I've tried all web hostings please help and advise
Best response
We need more information to help you.

Can you describe the process you're following, in detail? What page do you go to, what buttons do you click, etc.? Are you just trying to play a game using the BYOND pager (byond.exe)?
Hello, I downloaded it to all cloud disks and tried to insert the link where it says url dowland and then saved and checked, I set it to public access, that's all this not work
will you answer me?
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
We need more information to help you.

Can you describe the process you're following, in detail? What page do you go to, what buttons do you click, etc.? Are you just trying to play a game using the BYOND pager (byond.exe)?

you online??
Forums aren't for realtime discussion, and you answered on a Saturday.

There appears to be a language barrier here that's interfering, but also you're really not going into enough detail to describe the problem. You might get better help in a place like BYONDiscord.
what BYONDiscord

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