Keywords: 911, humour, satire
In the days and years since the terrible tragedy of 9/11, a wealth of misinformation, disinformation, and clever plots have cropepd up. There is a curious correspondance between this all - it is a clever dance of control. Friends, BYONDers, internet-people, there is a conspiracy afoot!

Those who hold to the 'conventional' view of 9/11 would tell you that it was quite simple! Apparently, the American government just happened to have set up bombs in just the right spots to demolish the Twin Towers when they were exploded - despite no eye-witness reports of these "bombs", and not a single shred of evidence that such a 'controlled demolition' could take place! There are no similarly-structured buildings in the entire world that have been destroyed in one of these 'controlled demolitions' the man would like you to believe occurred.

They would have you believe that four planes just mysteriously 'happened' to vanish, along with all their passengers - as if the American government could have the competence to fake such a thing! They would have you believe that all the wreckage around the Pentagon and the Towers just happened to fall in such a way that it looked like plane parts.

I am not a believer in coincidences. All these 'happenings' are quite convincing - the offical story is a lie. The Twin Towers were not 'demolished' by some sort of 'government conspiracy' - no, you have been misled! A conspiracy at the very highest levels, the ones who control all of your life with an iron hand while still remaining too inept to protect themselves against any idiot blogger with a crazy opinion, the secret New World Order! It was all a conspiracy by Islamic fanatics!

The officials would have you believe that there is no such thing. That Islamic fanatics mean you no harm at all. They cover up all of the abundant evidence demonstrating the ill-will of these people with their disinformation!

I'm not going to tell you what the evidence is - if you're really interested, you can find it out on your own. But the unspecified and vaguely-referenced assertions I make are valid and a strong argument - I have the burden of proof, I'm afraid. You must prove that there couldn't possibly be a Islamic fundamentalist conspiracy before I'll even begin to examine my assumptions or evidence. Also, any 'contradictory' evidence you find is disinformation that actually provides evidence for my claim. Unless it's evidence that supports my claims, in which case it's probably a brave whistleblower.

Just remember, when you stare into that mosque in the last momements of your free life:

I told you so.
My eyes have finally opened up to the truth. Thanks JP!
the problem is that a total nutcase doesn't acknowledge validity of evidence. sure, people have evidence, but it can be made up. unless you can verify the evidence yourself, its assumed that all evidence is equally valid because no matter how much sense some evidence makes, its just as likely to be a lie as the next piece of evidence.

this is why conspiracy theorists thrive on events like the assassination of JFK, the collapse of the twin towers, and the moon landing. its also why the flat earth movement has lost a bit of steam; its not an event, its an idea, and we can gather more evidence against it. we can't gather new evidence about the assassination of JFK and we can't really verify evidence that we do have. nutcases run wild with events like that because they believe that their idea, no matter how crazy, is just as valid as anyone else's.

some people are crazy, and some of these nutcases are so crazy that they don't know that they are crazy. *and*, not only are they unaware of their craziness, they think that everyone else is crazy for not seeing things their way. the problem is that they have the pee wee herman defense. how can you tell a nutcase that they are crazy if all they're going to say is "i know you are but what am i?"
Pfft, you just one of them*, trying to spread more misinformation about the whole thing.

*Them=The dinosaurs that really run the world. Sure, we may think they are extinct, but did you know that a raptor started the Freemasons? Want proof? Firefox doesn't recognize raptor as a word, clearly they are infiltrating the highest ranking of the computer world.
PFFT, how does this make more sense than the government doing it to themselves with controlled explosives and planes full of people that disapeared but didnt die!

Wait.. Ohh... thats right there were actual commissions if i do recall that agreed with your theory. Something official sounding or something, so I guess its not a terrible "Theory".
Everyone knows that Canada was behind 9/11 anyway.
Oh please. That's a load of crap and you know it. The Twin Towers never existed at all. Have you ever even been to New York?
Of course you haven't. The Illuminati, Government, Big Corporations just invented New York as a way to sneak some tax dollars into their pockets.

So why would they bring all that attention to it by claiming one of their massive icons (which I've only seen on postcards by the way) was attacked and destroyed in a suicide attack? Charities, that's why. Do you know how much money was donated to these sham charities for the 'victims' of these 'terrorist attacks'? Billions. That's how much.
Uh, riiiight.

No, no witnesses describe explosions inside the buildings. Nope. Unless you count all those people who did. But they're just crazy nutters who just happened to be police officers and firemen and news casters and officer workers on the scene....

Nobody has evidence of controlled demolition, except all those people who do. But again, they're just crazy. No need to listen to the police and firefighters who cleared the area saying the building was coming down, that it was going to blow up. Nope. They're crazy nutters. No need to listen to what the owner of the WTC said. He didn't mean they were going to collapse the building, he meant they were pulling out because it was on fire.

Nope, no reason to investigate the possible use of incindiary devices, because the evidence doesn't indicate it. Except that evidence which does. But that's a crazy guy with a video camera shooting the collapse of WTC7, so it can't be real, even though it looks just like a controlled demolition. Don't need to pay attention to the samples collected and analyzed by scientists, that give very strong evidence of the use of thermite, since they're obviously crazy people.

No need to believe someone because they can talk. If they were right, government assassins would kill them. Yep. That's right. The fact that nobody is even listening to them, labels them as crazy and makes them look foolish doesn't mater. Some guy might believe them, so the fact that the governement isn't killing them is proof they are crazy.

I guess there's no reason to think, since the reports do it all for you, even though they only look at the parts that fit thier story. It must be true because it's on TV! TV never lies. Nope!

Crazy people are never right, because they are crazy. Even if they aren't crazy, becuase they're wrong they are automatically crazy. So there's no need to think about what they say, because crazy people are always wrong, even if they aren't.

oh for fucks sake Xooxer, for every 15 year old who points out a white smudge on the trade center there are thousands of actual facts proving that it was caused by an airplane. Know how i know? An airplane full of people who never came back ran into the building, and for every crazy scientist who wants his 15 minutes of fame, there are thousands who agree that the building collapsed due to an explosion of jet engine fuel which caused a domino effect on each floor of the building. Al'qaeda took responsibility for the attack and the current administration couldn't even fake weapons of mass destruction let alone the fall of the trade centers. Jesus.
Yeah, 15 year old police officers and firemen and reporters who were there and saw the event with thier own eyes are simply seeing smudges. I guess that firefighter unit that was burned in one explosion saw smudges too?
Xooxer wrote:
Yeah, 15 year old police officers and firemen and reporters who were there and saw the event with thier own eyes are simply seeing smudges. I guess that firefighter unit that was burned in one explosion saw smudges too?

Post. Traumatic. Stress. Disorder.

How can people in such a hectic situation give accurate accounts of the situation? Theres lots of conflicting stories, there ALWAYS is in situations like this.
Yes, blame the people who were there. Real nice.
Xooxer wrote:
Yes, blame the people who were there. Real nice.

Give firefighters who are in a chaotic situation more credit for explaining what happened than thousands of experienced scientists.
