Acheangel2 wrote:
WEll I need help, and I am in need of a source. If you have time, please contact me on my email.

[email protected]

Ache, it's me XHackerZX, what kind of source you looking for, remeber I to Code, Icon, Map, Host, Semi-Skin, and am a Source Obtainer. Alas I have a Test Server of new Bleach game Bleach: Image of Perfection and if you can help me I can help you!

Hello I like ur game but the GMs dont do their jobs all they do is bicker and when i got killed and said some thing"cock sucker" got booted with the message "fuck u" on the reason and i wasn't even talking to that Gm i think it was Batman
Hey I can temperarly host for you if you want.Only for 11 hours though
Oh my msn is: [email protected]
hey everyone im sorry that tony is so bad at making hubs and for all i know he has quit byond, if u need help with coding, mapping, gfxing, or iconning i can do all of that, i just need someone who can host
hey everyone im sorry that tony is so bad at making hubs and for all i know he has quit byond, if u need help with coding, mapping, gfxing, or iconning i can do all of that, i just need someone who can host
Bloody Reaper wrote:
hey everyone im sorry that tony is so bad at making hubs and for all i know he has quit byond, if u need help with coding, mapping, gfxing, or iconning i can do all of that, i just need someone who can host
Host Is here lol, Real Smooth, Non Lagg.
Bloody Reaper wrote:
hey everyone im sorry that tony is so bad at making hubs and for all i know he has quit byond, if u need help with coding, mapping, gfxing, or iconning i can do all of that, i just need someone who can host

And yet Bloody Reaper has quit lolz
can you host naruto way of the shinboi by davman and hi
i wanna Play BUB2!
so when r u goina host unleashed bankai or let me host it plz to both ?'s
i can host BUB.... i have hosted a game before, sadly nobody played but the owners... there wasnt much lag tho :P
I cant get into BUB for some reason
Every time i try to join, it says Dream Daemon is killing the connection
I wanted to ask you because you probably know whats wrong and or can fix it.
your gms on unleashed bankai r so abuseing there power but like 2 r fine the otheres uumm have non nice 2 say bout them
Can you code for my game?
rezant the gm on unleashed bankai is so abuseing his power its not even funny i ask how many devours 4 espada yamma and get IP banned
Rezant banned me from the server for no reason and would like to request termination of his powers as gm and my unban. Peace God bless!
yo can i become gm plz i never become a gm in my entire life plz make a gm plz
lucy banned me for no reason i used renjis bankai and in safe zone and no i dident kill anyone i was just prtecting my self so can i be unbaned please thanks MRtony
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