I have added new things to my hub. Check them out and tell me what you think. My newest project is my Piano Quiz, I would really appreciate some feedback on it.
Yeea! I like it. It's great for practice. Though the Sharps are REALLY hard to see. It would be nice if it told you your score and gave you and option to refresh. Got perfect and I wanted to do it again. :P Thanks for the practice. Do a tenor and Alto clef version thats what I really need. :P
I'm making a new version that will have a visual full size keyboard in it with sound for every key.
for a quiz like that, you're probably better off making it a webpage so that you can use larger images, and so people can refresh the page (or click a button) to try again.

with those icons, i should be able to tell the program how far i'm sitting from the computer and have it tell me what my vision is :-P