This is what I want. I want a game that is an attempt at a recreation of authentic medieval lifestyle, culture, warfare, etc.; yet with modern fantasy elements. I want to play a game with a fully realized fantasy medieval environment (be it county, country or continent) where I can be, do or experience anything possible. If I want to be a farmer, I can be a farmer; if a shepherd, then a shepherd; if a king, so be it; if a necromancer, damn cool. I want to be able to set my own goals like taking over a city or a country. Or maybe I want to warp all the minds of the hapless villagers who live in a particular rural area, so that they all kill each other and leave their land and goods for my taking. Maybe I want to infiltrate the royal court and work my way up the social ladder quickly by back-stabbing the weak; or maybe I just want to find the king's favor legitimately through hard work and heroic deeds.

Strangely, I found that the term "fantasy medieval simulation" doesn't scare anything up in Google. I'm truly surprised nobody else has made a comment on such an idea. I only wish my abilities to plan, organize and create exceeded my desire to dream and invent. Then, maybe I could have a hand in making such a thing. Instead, I only hope that someone else will one day make the game I want to play.
Immortal Rebirth, by Ebonshadow, seems to be starting something just like that. Of course, its in super early development, in terms of the kingdom building...

A Tale in the Desert might also be worth checking up; its an Egyption stylized game, but you might enjoy it.
I do enjoy ATItD :-)

That game has the best crafting system--no, that game *is* a crafting system.
Its a really interesting economic model, but I find that it lacks in the storytelling roleplaying department.