Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Open

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Copied from BYOND Features forum by Airjoe

SelectFont(F as Font)

Just a few things I think BYOND should include in a future update. "Font" would let you select a font-family at runtime and "window.OnTop" if selected would keep the window on top of every other program and window.

It'd be a useful feature for interface design to add an 'always on top' option that you can apply to windows, to ensure that they always stay on top of other windows by default.

Comment by Falacy: A similar, or just built-in setting for alerts/inputs would also be nice, as interface windows tend to cover them up.
I don't know the rules for this section, bit I am going to BUMP this anyways. I still think both the features would be nice and have found even more need for both features in recent ventures.
You already can change fonts at runtime, so that's redundant. It's worth hashing out whether keep-on-top would be worth having though. I suspect it would actually just be too abusable and not worth the trouble, but I'm open to discussion.
Well I know in my situation a .OnTop function could be very handy. I use windows very often to handle key events in games such as Turn based battle. But if a player clicks the default window it will put the window under it on occasion, or if i minimize the default window and reopen every other window is under the default one.
That shouldn't actually be how the default window works; the other windows are subsidiaries of the default. Of course if you're doing something weird like changing the default at runtime, all bets are off.