thank you :3. i hope stickman wars is a success, all other sidescroller games are anime and i woke up one day and was like WAME we need a orginal and well i can't draw nothing but stick people so it hit me so it me then

a sidescoller of stick people, :P you can do anything with them >:3
In response to UPD4T3
Dat twerkin picture

oh yea he's rocking them dead man skills :P
In response to Akto
Akto wrote:

Did someone call for some booty?


can't handle that much booty?
In response to DistantWorld101
DistantWorld101 wrote:

can't handle that much booty?

)_) i cant see anything
I can't wait for dis
Me neaither, he standing next to me as I type this O_O RUUUUUUN! I'M HOSTAGE.. SAVE ME :'( LOL
In response to Akto
Maximillion VonMitternacht wrote:

Maximillion VonMitternacht wrote:

i;m loving it :3 yet another keeper
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