(See the best response by Maximus_Alex2003.)
I've been attempting to achieve this effect at runtime using icon blending procs but I can't seem to get it to work:
where the water appears to submerge the player, up to a certain height, presumably by using ICON_OVERLAY and the other Blend() proc arguments.

I feel as if I've tried every combination of Blending that I could think of, but I can never manage to get it to look right. It needs to just add the overlay to the base, and not have the rest of the water square hanging around the edges. Anyone more experienced with this know how I could accomplish it?
Best response
You could do some work with GetPixel() or do the visual work-around of creating an icon shaped like the old man there with your water alpha transparency stuff and then add it as an overlay.

Or you could take the icon you have, rgb() it to the water color and alpha transparency, then add it to the icon as an overlay. Probably the most efficient way to do it.
The same effect is going to be used on many different icons, not just this one character. It's going to be used for anything that is submerged so I need it to be versatile.

I think GetPixel() and SwapColors() will work, thanks for the tip :)
MapColors would be useful for this :) If you decrease the red and green components it might cause a similar effect
I got it working with GetPixel and SwapColors. I've never really been able to get MapColors to work how I want it so I try to avoid it.