(See the best response by Dariuc.)
icon = input("Pick a race?") in list ("Namekian","Saiyan","Majin")
if(icon == "Namekian")
icon = input("What gender?") in list ('male.dmi','female.dmi')
if(icon == 'male.dmi')
usr.icon_state = "Namek"
if(icon == 'female.dmi')
usr.icon_state = "Namek
if(icon == "Saiyan")
icon = input("What gender?") in list ('male.dmi','female.dmi')
if(icon == 'male.dmi')
usr.icon_state = "Saiyan"
if(icon == 'female.dmi')
usr.icon_state = "Saiyan"
if(icon == "Majin")
if(icon == 'male.dmi'
usr.icon_state = "Majin"
if(icon == 'female.dmi'
usr.icon_state = "Majin


Problem description:loading DragonBall Hope Of The Universe.dme
Also If u can help me with where they cant pick someone else everytime they join in cause i hate when i see a lvl 18 saiyan named jimmy he logs out and logs back in then hes a lvl 18 Namek ty

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Hmm. To fix this problem you would have to make it so that they can't remake their character everytime they login.

The easiest way to do that would be to check if they have a save file, if they do, then load their character, if not, then you can let them do character creation.

if(fexists("savefilenamehere"))//checks if they have a save
//if they have a save file, load it.
//do your normal login stuff.
Just based on the fact that he doesn't know how to fix the error, I'm assuming he hasn't read the guide or reference.

In which case, that would be his best option.
Your project (and DM ability) would really improve if you read up on the Login() proc with the Help file in Dream Maker. In short, Login() is called -every- time a mob of that type 'logs in', hence why people are being able to change race each time they log on.
In response to D-Cire
Best response
D-Cire wrote:
Just based on the fact that he doesn't know how to fix the error, I'm assuming he hasn't read the guide or reference.

In which case, that would be his best option.

Yea. I've mentioned that to him a couple of times now on different posts. If he hasn't by now- he doesn't intend to and sees this as a quicker means to an end. I think what he doesn't realize is that either way it goes, he's going to have a difficult time trying to piece together a whole videogame from his limited knowledge.

There are much more difficult problems he will encounter that he won't be equipped to deal with.

@ OP:

You aren't doing yourself any favors by dodging "reading", or "studying" to learn. I once had a pupil of programming language. He took the same approach you did- it's nearly a year later and he still refuses to study and read- because of that he doesn't even know the basics and resorts to paying people to do things so he can "look" at their code- the same thing as him taking 15 minutes to read a chapter in the guide.

He doesn't know how to properly use the basics, so he fails at using everything else he believes he's learned. In short his own impatience and stubbornness is what caused his current situation.

Please take note of this, it's very important to helping you fix your game:
You're actually making things more difficult on yourself, it's not that people are badgering you or flaming you- they are telling you the fastest ways to fix the problems you are experiencing- and that is to learn the basics properly, once you do that, these errors that you've been posting for the past few days-weeks will only take you MINUTES to fix, IF that, as opposed to waiting for someone to answer you on the message board and and/or asking for help every 10 minutes or so.

I strongly urge you to read the guide, which you can easily find, but if not click this link-The Guide it's user friendly and painless. Not to mention it explains a ton of stuff that you already want to know. The best way to get help is to first set yourself up to succeed.
I can't agree with Dariuc enough. I've read through The Guide a handful of times now, and only wish it was more thorough! That said, each and every read has taught me something new, or reinforced knowledge I already had a tentative grasp on.