PS3 has Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum. Something like that for byond. I think that a medal for 1000 kills should have a different meaning and rank than a medal for 100 kills. Also, a total of medals on your page would be nice. like "Beaster144 has earned 1012 medals to date."
Beaster144 wrote:
PS3 has Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum. Something like that for byond. I think that a medal for 1000 kills should have a different meaning and rank than a medal for 100 kills. Also, a total of medals on your page would be nice. like "Beaster144 has earned 1012 medals to date."

There's no reason you can't make three separate medals and award them by whatever criteria you like. The medal system is pretty flexible.

In my original concept I was thinking of allowing for this by making it possible designate a medal as a step up from another one, and then hiding the lesser medals from any display. That's something that could still go back on the table if there's a wide demand for it. The whole system still has the potential for improvements, but we're basically waiting to see how people are using it before going any further with new features.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
Isn't making gradual levels of medals already possible by the programmer though?
-Award user original medal.
-User does a better accomplishment
-Remove original medal from user.
-Add new medal.
In response to Charlesg154
That's exactly what Lummox said, reply to the correct post next time.
In response to Jeff8500
Was referring to Lummox, but I simply misunderstood his post believing him to be saying that he 'had an idea currently' about doing that. Anyway apologies for the misunderstanding.