I think that the Resource Bar in the DreamSeeker should look more like the pager's bar. The current bar is blocky and it would be a-lot nicer to look at if it was more streamline.


P.S, any chance of making it customizable?
What's a resource bar?
In response to Jon88
I believe he's referring to the progress bar (note: this would be the name for it, not "resource bar") that comes up when you are downloading resources.
Stupid idea??? That's not a good attitude. I'd like to see themable progress bars that can be manipulated by designers to fit the look and feel of the game. That's forward progress -- calling people's ideas stupid is not.
In response to PirateHead
Sorry, I was harsh.

I just think it is not a really smart thing to do. If you would have people customize it than it would just be another resource to download. Not to mention it might be possible to do something similar after 4.0 is out since the staff is probably preoccupied with that.