I know this has already been suggested, but I just wanted to second the motion for transluceny support in icons.  The icon/frame editor in DreamMaker could have an opacity 'slider' with a numerical % box (the default of course being 100).  That way, a person can select a color to paint with just like we already do, but also have an option to choose the opacity of that color.  It could also be integrated to work hand-in-hand with icon tinting (you can tint the opacity along with the RGB).  Not only would this make for awesome special effects and overlays/underlays, but as previously noted in other threads, it would also provide for the illusion of multi-levels on a single level.
Also Tom, if I may make my own sudgestion...would it be too terribly much to ask if Dantom & the rest of the BYOND team could revise the DreamMaker manual to be more up-to-date with current BYOND features and syntax?  I make this request with the utmost humility and reverence... *bows before the great and almighty Dantom*  Much thanks!  =)
In response to Elation
Elation wrote:
It's on it's way!

Awesome!  Where can I get this new icon editor?  I'm more than happy to test out any new features BYOND is working on, and find all those pesky bugs. ;)  Thanks again!
In response to Travis999
You can't. Also, stop using that ugly font and ugly font color.