I am assuming "fans" is for people that have you on their friends list, but you do not have them on your friends list... is that correct?

I have Scoobert on both my friends and my fans list... do you know what could cause that?


Fans are people who have added you to their friend list.
In response to Cheetoz
So even if we both added each other to each other's lists, should he still show up as a fan of mine?

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In response to Kujila
In response to Cheetoz
Alrighty then, thanks. I assumed it was some sort of odd bug, I didn't realize that it could be normal! :D


Then why doesn't Scoobert's site list me as a fan? I'm confused :(

In response to Kujila
There's an option to not show your fan list.

EDIT: And you will always see your fan list unless you hide it somehow in your CSS
In response to Cheetoz
Ahh! Ok thanks! That explains a lot. Now I must fiddle with CSS some more, eh? :D

By default, the "Show the fans of your website" checkbox is unchecked, but I still have a fans box.

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So I checked it, and saved, and my site still has the fan box.

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I even tried toggling it back off in hopes it would detect I unchecked it and remove the fan box, but it remains there.

Thanks for any help. :)

In response to Kujila
Kujila wrote:
By default, the "Show the fans of your website" checkbox is unchecked, but I still have a fans box.

You always see it, no matter what(unless you hide it using css).

That box changes whether or not other people can see it.
In response to Jon88
Ah! Thank you! :D

That makes more sense!

Cool beans, thank you Jon.

In response to Kujila
#fanbox* {
display: none;

*Might or might not be the actual name for it.