Now, alot of people tell me, I should use ckey for administrative verb assignment. But I was thinking of that today, and a logout message of a friend of mine struck me.
Consider this, if I use the ckey of "Pandora's Toybox" for my administrator verbs. What's stopping someone from making the key "Pandora''s Toybox" and recieving the verbs, because the ckey of the user is the same. Or even "Pan'dor'a's Toy'box"
world << ckey("Pandora's Toybox")
world << ckey("Pandora''s Toybox")

So which is really a better choice, key or ckey?
Try making that key and you'll have your answer. =)
Byond uses ckey when doing the key creation process to prevent that type of thing. All of those examples would return the same value and not be allowed.
The ckey var is so named because it's a canonical key. Meaning it's unique to every key. You can't make a Funky Lie if Fun Kylie is taken.

Lummox JR