
I want to know how to make an Admin key's and hosters keys.

and they get verbs.
HOw would i do this.
Associate all with a list, for example

var/Administration = list()

Then just code the verbs with the path of:


For different levels of Admins just make different lists, to give them the verbs use something like this.

       if(src.key in Administration)
src.verbs += typesof(/mob/Administration/verb)

Ok, hope I helped.
In response to Subzero1
It would be preferable to use clients for the verbs. If a game has something like mind control for some reason, and someone takes over an admin mob, then the user would get admin verbs - a BIG no-no.
In response to Darkmag1c1an11
That's a bad idea because then you'd have to manually remove all the verbs if a player isn't an admin (or certain verbs if the player isn't of high enough rank). Datums are probably the way to go.
In response to DivineO'peanut
No, applying the verbs to the client would be the better way.
In response to Popisfizzy
But not creating them under clients. I never argued against applying them.
In response to DivineO'peanut
You can define a subtype of /client purely for holding the verbs.
In response to Garthor
What does it matter though? Not much better than defining a new mob subtype. Better define those kind of verbs under a datum or under no object at all (if you don't need to use typesof() etc).
Also, like said, yeah admin verbs should really go in client.verbs, since admins should always have access to their commands regardless of current character, mind control, being "logged in" etc.
In response to Kaioken