Okay, I really want to know how to make it so people can join your game from your website and how to show a list of online players. If you dont understand what I mean, click the link below.

That's the website for Ginseng's game DUNGEON MASTERS. As you see, a list of players on a server, version of server and a way to join the server are on that site. How does that work? Also does it have something to do with CGI?(Because I dont understand CGI at all)

Please reply
You can do it with PHP. I actually wrote up a function for doing it a little while ago.

But I have only given it to select few people.
In response to Tiberath
Oh...Can you give it to me? =)
In response to Tiberath
Creative use of World.Export() and Topic()?

I see the basic flow being

  1. Game World Starts
  2. Word.Export() to php catcher file, telling PHP the world is online and it's address, along with other information

At this point you can simply have the game send it's own updates (probably easiest, but also most game resource intensive) or have php ping the game address (handled through Topic()) on an as-needed basis. Or a mix of both, really.

Am I close?
In response to CriticalBotch
How does Word.Export() and Topic() work(In general, like other uses)?
In response to CriticalBotch
CriticalBotch wrote:
Am I close?

Close to making your own (crappy) hub system, yes. What he means is being able to display the currently online servers in the same fashion as the BYOND Hub does it. In that case, all he needs is to make a PHP script that parses the BYOND hub entry. (Note that you no longer need to create .dms files: byond:// URLs work in browsers now.)

-- Data