Hullo. While wasting endless hours of my life on the internet, I began to ponder. Is there any popular single player games created with the BYOND programming language? I figured it would be hard to tell if a BYOND single player game was popular or not since one cannot gauge the amount of players 'online' from the HUB as you would normally do with multiplayer games. The only other way perhaps would be to track the total amount of downloads from the HUB, which is information generally open only to the game's creator(s).

Another problem that I thought about would be that the single-player game would have a tough time getting popular, mainly since people would not see a flashy little icon in the "Games-Live!" section. Thus, a one-player game would have to have extensive non-BYOND advertising, such as banners and such, to put up a reasonable amount of recognizable players.

It's true I have considered perhaps making a single-player RPG, as RPGMaker-2K has it's limitations, but I was discouraged to do so because of the difficulties facing distributing the game to non-BYONDERS.

So, back to the essance of this post; is there any popular single-player games avaible on BYOND?

I don't think there is yet.

I think Castle of the Winds by Maz and splatter is single player, and if it is I think that would probably have to be the most popular single player-only game.
In response to Kunark
Nah, its CotW Online. Unless they are working on a single player version aswell, but Im pretty sure they arent.
I've made some single player games, few of them I released, none are terribly popular. Probably the best one that I've made I didn't release, though I might eventually.
I belive the single player version of Magma will be, if its still being worked on. Although its sort of cheating since it has a online multiplayer version to draw players in.
In response to DarkView
The only reason Magma will have an online version is because a lot of people wanted it, I wasn't planning on creating one at first.
In response to Kunark
Yeah, we plan on releasing a single player demo (splattergnome, Jon88 and I) this is just to try get a fan base started up before the game is released properly :) Heres to hoping.
There are a few games that I like to play single player, I like exploring on Ensya, or playing most DDT games in single player (all of these games are just as good multiplayer)
Though it would be nice to make a single player version of Castle once the online version is working, we dont have to optimise for efficiency so much then! wow that would be cool :D
Kujila wrote:
Hullo. While wasting endless hours of my life on the internet, I began to ponder. Is there any popular single player games created with the BYOND programming language? I figured it would be hard to tell if a BYOND single player game was popular or not since one cannot gauge the amount of players 'online' from the HUB as you would normally do with multiplayer games. The only other way perhaps would be to track the total amount of downloads from the HUB, which is information generally open only to the game's creator(s).

Another problem that I thought about would be that the single-player game would have a tough time getting popular, mainly since people would not see a flashy little icon in the "Games-Live!" section. Thus, a one-player game would have to have extensive non-BYOND advertising, such as banners and such, to put up a reasonable amount of recognizable players.

It's true I have considered perhaps making a single-player RPG, as RPGMaker-2K has it's limitations, but I was discouraged to do so because of the difficulties facing distributing the game to non-BYONDERS.

So, back to the essance of this post; is there any popular single-player games avaible on BYOND?


Byond: Not really for singleplayer games with large graphic components
Sphere: Good for SP Rpgs and other types, site: forgot, ill get it later.
Just look up Sphere Rpg Engine on google.