Keywords: me
Disclaimer: Not Interesting.

If I can take back me trusty tri-fold hat from me old crew mate, ye may see more images from this year. Aye.

Arr, ye make a fine pirate.
You're such a dork/nerd/geek.
Sexy beast.
You're so dashing :)
XD You look awesome as a Pirate, lol!

Who won the GIAD contest?
I love how Iain's blog glows.
Ar argon? =O

Anyway, I'm waiting eagerly for the GIAD contest results. =p

I probably didn't win anything though.
...hey uuh, who won the GIAD ocntest? It has been quite a while since the contest's over...
Hey Iain, would you mind sending a playable version of JKD to DeathAwaitsU at the rate of I want to see how you're handling collision graphically. I promise I won't host it or send it or anything.