(for those of you who don't know, Goditz is the owner of the very highly ranked Naruto rip that everyone has been talking about)...what would you do? What weapon would you choose? Would you hurt him, and leave? Would you kill him? Would you leave him be?
Isn't worth it.
I, for one, wouldn't kill him, but I would probably use some sort of physical force, coupled with explaining why ripping is bad, to get my point across.
i am an peace keeper of turth nd hugz nd lubv i b sav him throm evl ppl like u guyz lolz bt nly if he=giv gm lvl 4 or co owner 2 mi lolz ^-^;; lotz luv ^_^ *wink* bob forkenstein
My weapon of choice would be the Blue Book.
Goditz is a girl and my weapon of choice would be a giant tentacle
A terrified bear who has just lost there family.
I would leave him in a room with Lummox so that Lummox could bore him to death with all his beliefs on ripping and his beliefs on whats right or wrong. I'm sure that'd be worse then death.
Lord of light wrote:
I would leave him in a room with Lummox so that Lummox could bore him to death with all his beliefs on ripping and his beliefs on whats right or wrong. I'm sure that'd be worse then death.

Better than my idea of using the Iron Maiden (god, that is such a horrible torture weapon) >_>
DivineO'peanut wrote:
i am an peace keeper of turth nd hugz nd lubv i b sav him throm evl ppl like u guyz lolz bt nly if he=giv gm lvl 4 or co owner 2 mi lolz ^-^;; lotz luv ^_^ *wink* bob forkenstein

O man. QFT.

I don't see why anyone gives a fuck.
I would take a shovel, and see how long it takes to die from bleeding from the brain.
a gun!
I'd crush her head between my forearm and my bicep.
My left nut. Nuff' said.
Worldweaver wrote:
I'd crush her head between my forearm and my bicep.

Elation - "Goditz is a girl and my weapon of choice would be a giant tentacle"

But yeah, I've heard a lot of people say she was female.
Worldweaver wrote:
Elation - "Goditz is a girl and my weapon of choice would be a giant tentacle"

But yeah, I've heard a lot of people say she was female.

Funny, his key shows him as being male.
Hmm, well then!
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