speeding = 0 = "Mega Man Batle of The Network -- Chip Test Arena"
usr.icon = 'blues.dmi'
usr.loc = locate(11,4,2)

Problem description:When i Run the game, the screen its black and dont go to the start point (
usr.loc = locate(11,4,2)
), why?Whats wrong?

Are you sure you have something at 11,4 on the second Z level?
In response to Audeuro
1) "No usr in procs, urgh" - LummoxJr ... use src ;/
2) After checking Auro's post, Try putting a debugging message there like
world << "Test"
to see if the usr loc is called, eg:
usr.loc = ......

If it isn't called, most likely than not, one of the procs is stopping a loop...suggestion as follows: Put 'set background=1' for (possibly inf.) loops in the procs...2) As a last resort, make procs happen last...but this may cause problems if you don't fix it right away

Corect me if you can

- GhostAnime
In response to GhostAnime
Usr is fine in this example. As long as he is not using a character handling system and as long as he didn't call mob/Login() himself.
In response to Audeuro
...or does anything that causes mobs to change the mob that they're logged into.

Usr is NEVER fine in procs, unless you're a LummoxJR-esque guru. And nobody but LummoxJR is a LummoxJR-esque guru.

usr.loc = locate(11,4,2)

with this:

Check around your game to see if you have any other Login() procs. If you don't call ..() in those, then the one shown will never be called.

~~> Unknown Person