In response to DeathAwaitsU
AO=Adult Only
In response to FuZzY DiCe
Well I'll STILL have access to the game even though I'm 15(Mom doesn't care whats in game as long as I don't do it). Unlike some weak minded people, I'm not affected by violence and other stuff.
In response to Popisfizzy
Popisfizzy wrote:
You know, when it comes to sex and violence: sex>violene. I geuss everyone would rather we go point blank on some guy with a shot gun and take his car than have sex with that hot chic next door.

Hah, don't get me started on that subject... I absolutely agree with you. I find it really odd that people consider depictions of nudity to be somehow worse than depictions of extreme violence. As the kangaroo says in that Flash movie, double-yew tee eff mate? ^_^
In response to Elation
Heh, it'd be like selling cigarettes to minors :P
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
Adult Only=18 or older (which I don't understand, as M is 17 or older. Not much of an age/maturity gap there)
In response to Scoobert
not yet, not until probably late august/early november will you start to see change.
In response to Jon Snow
True, but they have already merged (Actualy, from what I heard, GameStop bought EB). They are the same company now, they just have left them as seperate entity's owned by the same mother company.
In response to Jon Snow
Jon Snow wrote:
Our world is messed up!

It just needs a reboot. :)
In response to Tiko
Also, most pornagraphy is legal to buy at 17 in most states. Most of it is just rated "R", which is 17 and up. Now some stores do have policys to not sell pornographic or other rated "R" material to anyone under 18
In response to Tiko
It is not like it is going to make a difference if they change the ratings from Mature to Adult Only. I have not known, nor met one parent who checks the ratings on the back of video games. Even so, it is not like they are going to restrict their children of playing it. Sure, some may, but most do not care. I know kids that are of the ages twelve and under and play Adult Only games. They ask their parents to buy it for them and sure enough they do.

I think the cause of this is because older people nowadays did not grow up with violent video games such as Grand Theft Auto. They may see the rating on the back but they probably have no clue there is actual nudity in the game. Others may think that it does not effect their children. And last but not least, another reason could be is the fact that it is only a video game. If their kid wants it, buy him it. I guess the only reason they are changing the ratings is incase a parent sues the gaming company because of false ratings. Who would want to take that risk? I know I sure would not. The point I am trying to get at is, changing the ratings will not matter and the same kids will be buying the same games.
In response to GokuDBZ3128
Personally I'd make Pokemon an AO for depicting nudity of children and adult Pokemon.
In response to Elation
I've never seen anything on pokemon depicting nudity..what are you talking about? 0_0
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
Have you ever seen a Pokemon wearing clothes?
In response to Hedgemistress
Mr. Mime, he was wearing a maid thingy(Ash's Mom is owner)..XD
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
Ahhhh, see? Not only does Pokemon have nudity but it's obviously trying to appeal to the fetish community.
They are worried about nudity, but this is not the problem?

[PS]I took that screen shot while playing the game earlier today.[/PS]
In response to Hedgemistress
Ew. Never thought of it that way...0_0
In response to Scoobert
Scoobert, where have you been? Don't you know ladies of the night (dunno what the acceptable term here is) can go through windshields?!?!?! :P
In response to Scoobert
I wish it looked that good on PSII. =(

Heh, you're still wearing the old stuff, get yourself some colors fool. =P
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
Why do we never stay on topic? In the 'Deffered Success' Topic it started with failing grades and ended up on Atom Bombs. And now this started out with the Sims and ended up with Pokemon Fetishes...
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