Just a quick suggestion: Now that we have an "Away" status in the pager system, could we have an auto-away option that sets the status to Away when the computer is idle? (And then sets it back again when the computer is no longer idle.) It should be toggleable, and the length of time that passes before auto-away occurs should be user-specified.

I felt like doing some digging, so I found some potentially useful Windows API functions. =) The GetLastInputInfo Windows API function looks like it would be useful, except that it's Windows 2000+ only. BeginIdleDetection looks to be deprecated but should work on most Windows versions. (Probably the best solution would be to use GetLastInputInfo on 2000+, and BeginIdleDetection on 95/98/ME/NT.)
Crispy wrote:
Just a quick suggestion: Now that we have an "Away" status in the pager system, could we have an auto-away option that sets the status to Away when the computer is idle?

This would be good...people ping me (and I'm not sure whether to ping other people) when I haven't been at the computer for hours.