i think macros should be changed to a diff key than like alt+[macro letter] because alot of the time it conflicts with the alt menu commands like alt f brings the file menu etc etc... maybe make it ctrl....
The ctrl key would mess up the shortcut keys. I can't think of a decent key that *wouldn't* mess something up.
In response to Repiv
In response to Madcrackfiend
Definitely not the shift key. The shift key is used for typing capital letters. =P

... Well ... SOME of us use capital letters while we're typing, anyway. ;-)

"Alt" is the best of a handful of less-than-adequate choices, I'm afraid.
Honestly there really aren't a lot of alt-menu selections that don't already have ctrl+ macros. I think people should just be less lazy and exercise the mouse. I hate mice, but sometimes you just have to work with it.

In response to Crispy
try using the number pad on the right side of keyboard.
Agreed it might conflict with built in macros, but if you're too lazy to move the mouse, you deserve not to click it.

However, if you want to use macros without using 'alt' simply hit the 'alt' button on the console. Makes it a lot easier.
In response to Crispy
Oh, I know, use the super key(windows key)! Thats a great idea, lets just forget that spr+L means lock screen, and a lot of other commands use the windows key.
In response to Scoobert
Heh. Now that would be a disaster. I don't even know if it's possible to override the Windows key shortcuts or not.

BlackPheonix - Yeah, good tip. Many of the keys on the keypad don't require alt to be pressed. That not only goes for the keys used for movement (7/8/9/4/6/1/2/3) and for Center (5), but also for the maths symbols - Divide, Multiply, Minus, Plus, and even Insert and Delete. It's quite handy. I used to have some macros for MLAAS that used them a lot:

Insert - say \"\... - for local chat
Plus - send-message radio \"\... - for sending radio messages

...and so on. The \... feature of macros is little-known and very useful.
In response to Crispy
I had a large list of macros for MLAAS. Everything from sneek to dropoff and radio to say I had mapped. alt+asdfghjklqzew where all used.(I used .alt)
In response to Crispy
Crispy wrote:
...and so on. The \... feature of macros is little-known and very useful.

And much better than those evil popups.
The macro system is completely revamped for 4.0. I'll provide more details when it's closer to completion (which is another way of saying, "I can't remember how it works now!").

In response to Tom
Gah, Can you please stop metioning stuff about V.4.0?

Unless its a week or two from realese. Your making me go crazy with the suspence for its release >_<
In response to BlackPheonix
then using a laptop would require you to hold down the function key as well, I don't like that :-(