Does it sound very feasible to run an instant messaging server on BYOND, or would it just be a CPU hog? I was thinking about this after I programmed Jscript_Chat the other day, I could set up a server so clients wouldn't have to go through the trouble of being their own hosts. I have some vague ideas how to implement the code, but nothing very concrete.
Using an instant messaging server is a great idea. It's what all the major IMing programs use. They can regulate the data being sent and all. Also, when worlds connect, they can just send their address and key of the user to the server; the server logs 'em in a list and tells all of the logged servers that that user has logged on.

It's a great learning experience for world.Export() and world.Topic(). However, if you're going to do this, you might as well just scratch the javascript and keep the BYOND interface. If you do do this project, you'll be quite happy with the BYOND interface in 4.0 and what you can do with it. You'll be able to make real-looking IM windows, like AIM has.
In response to CaptFalcon33035
When will BYOND 4.0 come out? It seems like a large leap from 3.5 to 4.0, though I read on this forum someone said it'd be a few weeks.

If byond supports doing such things for IM I'd gladly scrap the javascript.
In response to Rockinawsome
Not necessarily IM, but it will support the standard functionality, meaning one window with an input and output box and buttons. It's very cool. I believe the windows are generated like VB generates forms.
In response to CaptFalcon33035
I actually do remember working on an Instant Messenger experiment (using Javascript as well) several months ago. The way I did it though, was kinda buggy (the chat log interface was using textarea). Yes, BYOND 4.0 has made such instant messengers obsolete.

So, there is no more need for Javascript Instant Messengers.