Keywords: byond, hazordhu, rpg
So, I've decided to take it upon myself to make BYOND RPG active again! Let's start off by seeing what everyone has planned for new additions and updates regarding games in BYOND RPG!

I myself am pleased to announce that Hazordhu II will soon be receiving it's much anticipated version 5.3 update in the coming days. This new update will include many new systems, notably character aging, and the ability to raise a family! Of course that wont be all, there will be other systems, such as getting cold in the winter, and some new effects for the environment to give it a more in-depth feel.

So what about you? Let me know what you have in store for BYOND RPG. I'd love to hear about it!

This is just a copy of my recent blog post
Well, a group of my long time friends and I are getting together to develop a game curently under the working title of project #621. Single player RPG utalizing a card/die based combat system. I'll be posting more about the project in time, but at least now you all know what is going on.
Moved to forum thread: Here
Tayoko and I are working on something that might fit this genre.
I'm working on something :D
BYOND Rpg Is too Borinq fix it.
Verm, Tech. Tell me some specifics about what you're working on!
I was developing a game called GS but we never really had enough fanbase to motivate, so it died off.
Too Bad I'll never see the eyes of Haz II 2.3
F0lak wrote:
Verm, Tech. Tell me some specifics about what you're working on!

I'm planning on having a big write-up on my blog this weekend about it.
Techgamer wrote:
I'm planning on having a big write-up on my blog this weekend about it.

Sounds great! Make sure to post a link to it here, so we can all keep up to date with its developement.
Its not that Byond RPG is boring, TRUST ME we can have MANY MORE players than Anime/Action, we just need to work hard get our games up and running and spread the word. Rp Forums, RPG forums, Video Game Forums, look for you player base were you know it will be accepted. Don't expect players to flock to us, and most important of all...if your making an RPG do not pull an FF and use the same graphics as the game. If your trying to get players give them something new to look at not something from the GBA...
Im making games under the radar, so dont disclude my new games soon to come to Byond, also you should already know this if your my friend. :D
You can check my blog for any posts about my game.
I must say, for a thread where you are supposed to be telling about your upcoming projects there is an aweful lot of 'Yeah I'm doing something' or 'It's on my blog'.

As for my team and I, we are moving along at a decent pace. The battle system has been stress tested in real life using the card and die system that I will begin programing tonight after work.

The story is coming along slowly, instead of the grand game we had originally planed on we have scaled back to a more "proof of concept" version. One character, one town, one dungeon. Mostly to boost our confidence as a team and prove that we can do it.

The bad guys, skills, weapons, and armor are all done and waiting. Most of what is left is level design and actual programing.

More to come in an actual post about project 621 later.

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