I think we should let the guy have his fucking thread
This is actually useful. For your contribution, I award you 65K nex.

But I stand by the judgement of Empirez.
In response to Developous
Yes, yes.. I almost have enough nex to bath in the blood of thousands of virgin toadlings.
I like the idea. The first time I ripped a game it was bleach enternity. Only difference is instead of the other rippers breaking the game I was adding new content with keeping the balance it had. Some people just want to break a game and have an op feast. I just never got mine out because I didn't know how to host back than.
So what they need to know more is -what makes a bad game. But they also don't care enough about their rip to go that far with it
We clearly need something that breaks most games (BYOND update ofc, language-wise) so that those with a "ripped" source with need to have the knowledge to fix it.

We clearly need something that breaks most games (BYOND update ofc, language-wise) so that those with a "ripped" source with need to have the knowledge to fix it.

We already did back in 2010. It was called TOPDOWN_MAP.

Most Zeta rips are currently running at 5fps or less because they think that increasing tick_lag makes the game faster. Most of them are still using TILED_ICON_MAP.

Most of them are still using flick() when it's been completely superseded by loop-once animations (long time ago) and the animate() proc (newer).

Most of them are still using the BYOND 3.5 interface with colors added to it.

Most of them are still using square interfaces.

I'd say the language has progressed significantly since most of these games were originally designed, and they've been left entirely in the dirt.
In response to Ter13
I was thinking more-so to where the code wouldn't compile :P
Oh is flick that bad to use? Like I know there's animate. But I've known it for longer so I always use it. While animate I'm really new too. Oh but yea there's the loop once where I do use as well. But meh.

What's the difference between topdown and tiled? That's something I haven't looked into

My interface is square but at least I made my own.
My code I wouldn't want to give to someone lets just say. No cements, and everything is all over the place. But I never plan on sharing it so that's a "security measure" you could say hahaha
Than there's some code where I wrote at a earlier level so it just has less quality. I'm going to have to re look and redo things later. But for now I think it's more important getting it done. Than I can work on the principles of "which functions do I actually need" and "how do you organize a big project"
In response to DanteVFenris
Organizing the source code obviously helps a great deal, if you know what you're doing already.

It's good to think ahead when programming, when you make a proc, try to leave it open-ended. Meaning that even if you don't currently intend to make any changes to the proc, you don't want to have to re-write the entire thing because it's all set-in-stone. For instance, the leveling system in most rips is pretty bad.

Commonfound Bleach rip:
levelup()//called whenever a player gains exp
if(src.exp >= src.mexp)//With these games, at times you'll level up many times at once
src.exp = 0//This just removes the exp so they can't level up again
src.level += 1//can be shorthanded to ++
if(src.level == 50)//No need to check the same variable time and time again.
world << "<b><font color = lime>Bleach Takeover Ability Info:</font><font color=white>: [src] has reached level 50! Because of his good experience he wont gain as much stat as before!"
world.SetMedal("Level 50",usr)//The medal system is outdated and could be generalized, so you need only call a proc
//ie: usr.GiveMedal("Level 50"), where these three repeated lines(on every medal in the source would be condensed into a proc and potentially hundreds of lines removed.
world << "<b><font color = yellow>Bleach Takeover Medal Info:</font><font color=white>: [src] Has unlocked the 'Level 50' Medal."
usr<< "Your Health goes up by 1000"
usr<< "Your Reiatsu goes up by 100"
usr.mrei += 100
if(src.level == 100)
world << "<b><font color = lime>Bleach Takeover Ability Info:</font><font color=white>: [src] has reached level 100! Because of his great experience he wont gain as much stat as before!"
world.SetMedal("Level 100",usr)
world << "<b><font color = yellow>Bleach Takeover Medal Info:</font><font color=white>: [src] Has unlocked the 'Level 100' Medal."
usr<< "Your Health goes up by 1500"
usr.mhealth += 1500
usr<< "Your Reiatsu goes up by 150"
usr.mrei += 150
if(src.level == 10000)
world << "<b><font color = lime>Bleach Takeover Ability Info:</font><font color=white>: [src] has reached level 10000! Because of his great experience he wont gain as much stat as before!"
world.SetMedal("Level 10000",usr)
world << "<b><font color = yellow>Bleach Takeover Medal Info:</font><font color=white>: [src] Has unlocked the 'Level 10000' Medal."
usr<< "Your Health goes up by 2000"
usr.mhealth += 2000
usr<< "Your Reiatsu goes up by 200"
usr.mrei += 200
if(src.level == 100000)
world << "<b><font color = lime>Bleach Takeover Ability Info:</font><font color=white>: [src] has reached level 100000! Because of his great experience he wont gain as much stat as before!"
world.SetMedal("Level 100000",usr)
world << "<b><font color = yellow>Bleach Takeover Medal Info:</font><font color=white>: [src] Has unlocked the 'Level 100000' Medal."
usr<< "Your Health goes up by 2500"
usr.mhealth += 2500
usr<< "Your Reiatsu goes up by 250"
usr.mrei += 250
if(src.level == 1000000)
world << "<b><font color = lime>Bleach Takeover Ability Info:</font><font color=white>: [src] has reached level 1000000! Because of his great experience he wont gain as much stat as before!"
world.SetMedal("Level 1000000",usr)
world << "<b><font color = yellow>Bleach Takeover Medal Info:</font><font color=white>: [src] Has unlocked the 'Level 1000000' Medal."
usr<< "Your Health goes up by 1500"
usr.mhealth += 3000
usr<< "Your Reiatsu goes up by 150"
usr.mrei += 300
if(src.level == 10000000)
world << "<b><font color = lime>Bleach Takeover Ability Info:</font><font color=white>: [src] has reached level 10000000! Because of his great experience he wont gain as much stat as before!"
world.SetMedal("Level 10000000",usr)
world << "<b><font color = yellow>Bleach Takeover Medal Info:</font><font color=white>: [src] Has unlocked the 'Level 10000000' Medal."
usr<< "Your Health goes up by 3500"
usr.mhealth += 3500
usr<< "Your Reiatsu goes up by 150"
usr.mrei += 350
src.skill()//this checks what 'race' you are, using if(race==[race]) over and over, then checks the level over and over
//to see if they are the right level to gain a 'skill'
src.rank()//This check the players race(which doesn't effect all races) and assigns their rank after checking their level and a variable assigned
//for each rank
src << "<b><font color = blue>You gained a level!"
return //needless return, offering nothing.

Quick Revision:
levelup(/*var/Type=""- a way to showcase how a player gained the level,allowing you to give different perks/rewards*/)//still called whenever a player gains exp
var/gainedlevels = 0
while(src.exp >= src.mexp)//Making this a loop rids the need to check the exp repeatedly to level a player
//Allowing the player to gain enough exp to level up 2-3 times
//You could also include whichever exp calculation you use here for the 'mexp' var instead of having a set wall of mexp
//ie: while(src.exp >= (100[replacing mexp]*[random factor attributing to 'mexp' scaling])*(src.level+gainedlevels))
//which will allow for checks in exp and including your gainedlevels var to ensure accuricy
gainedlevels++//this adds to the levels gained, while below removing the exp for that level
src.exp -= src.mexp
//Here you could set a cap on the amount of levels they can gain at once(to prevent any kind of exploit)
//ie: gainedlevels=min(gainedlevels,5) - allowing the player to gain a max of 5 levels at a time
src.level += gainedlevels
if(src.level >= 50)//to save myself time on rewriting this bit, I'm leaving it and making a alteration
if(usr.GiveMedal("Level 50"))//Allowing you to check if the player has the medal inside this proc and returning TRUE if the medal is given
//allowing you to reward however you choose
if(src.level >= 100)//This 'tree' path at least prevents the if() chain from continuing if the previous req. hasn't been met.
//Still not good practice, but I'd rather not redo this right now.
if(src.level >= 10000)
if(usr.GiveMedal("Level 100000",usr)
if(src.level >= 1000000)
if(usr.GiveMedal("Level 1000000"))
if(src.level >= 10000000)
if(usr.GiveMedal("Level 10000000"))
usr<< "Your Health goes up by [10*gainedlevels]"//allowing you to remove the need for the above 'reward on medal' method
usr.mhealth += 10*gainedlevels
usr.health += 10*gainedlevels//here, I increase the player's health and max health, as I feel should be the natural way of doing things.
usr<< "Your Reiatsu goes up by [gainedlevels]
usr.mrei += gainedlevels
usr.rei += gainedlevels
src.skill()//this would be shortend into switch() procs
src.rank()//This would aswell
src << "<b><font color = blue>You gained [gainedlevels] level\s!"//actually unsure about text macro \s here, should work.
return gainedlevels//Now, you can check whether or not a player gained any levels, and how many, if so.
i think the bigger problem is, is that there are infact 10 million levels.

And my code isnt as bad as the first, i just have a lot of procs doing relitvley simlair things, sometimes too similair where i should have made it into a proc that could oversee more outcomes.

Or sometimes i forget a proc exists, remake it with a different name

1 * X = X
In response to Ter13
Lol, I originally placed in 100*gainedlevels, then decided to lower the amount given. I'll make the adjustment, though.
In response to DanteVFenris
That's a issue with the majority of rips available, people just change numbers around and neglect to scale anything.
I ran into a weird habit:

powerlevel += 0

I see this everywhere in rip sources. I have no idea what they thought they were trying to do, but it's just spammed all over the place. It's like they thought that DM would just start changing your variables if you didn't look at them often enough.

Well obviously there were trying to add by 0
Or they misunderstood +=, but I really doubt that. Adding by zero makes a lot more sense to me
what it sounds like is a rip of a rip. So whoever got the rip edited it and passed it on. Why would this explain that? Well look at this scenario. Imagine I don't want to increase powerlevel a the same way the authour did. What I would do(I wouldn't but I novice) might look at the powerlevel variable where it doesn't want it to increase and increase it by zero. This is because as a noobie they are afraid of deleting lines so they edit instead
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